A signal lamp is a type of lighting fixture with a reflector and a colored jar used in emergency situations when special signaling is needed. Special signaling using lamps or columns is intended for vehicles with a special operating mode such as fire, police, ambulance, as well as as a light indication in the production process to signal the start or stop of a process or to attract the attention of workers in the event of an accident or problem in the work process.
The emergency, signal lamp is usually in red, blue or yellow, with the color following the logic of the signal indication for which they are intended. Signal lamps have a reflector that reflects the light signal for better visibility. They are suitable for starting or stopping a work process in a company, especially when a quick response is required, because the light signal attracts attention more easily and measures can be taken without unnecessary explanations, which optimizes the time of action.
Another type of signal lamps has a rotary, rotating, mechanism for additional light effect in all directions. Some models also have a built-in buzzer or siren for sound signaling. More modern signal lamps even have built-in memory and can play specific external sounds set by the user.
A signal column is a type of lighting fixture, as the name implies, in the shape of a column with 3 or more light lamps in different colors, glowing depending on the need with constant or flashing light. Signal columns in particular represent several emergency signal lamps in one, similar to a traffic light system, for easy and convenient management of work processes. Like emergency lights, light columns also have a built-in buzzer or siren, and some models even have the ability to play external files with sound signals.
Signal lights and columns are an important part of designing and building an algorithm for a given work process. They offer different types of power supply, both 12~24 VDC and 230 VAC. Models with 12~24 VDC are gaining a greater percentage of popularity because they are easier to use and safer, can easily be connected to different types of sensors and detectors, and can work even during power failures via battery packs or UPS.
For the correct and trouble-free operation of each emergency lamp, and especially when installing a light column, read the manual and the wiring diagram.