Powerful electrical disconnector is an air circuit breaker that is used to separate and control powerful electrical circuits or high-power consumers. The main function of load-bearing switches is to separate high-power loads with high short-circuit currents. They are equipped with a series of protections that protect the consumer from overload and short circuit, which extends the service life of devices and electrical appliances, as well as eliminates the prerequisites for accidents.
Powerful switches, also called high-power, load switches are suitable for both industrial and domestic consumers and circuits. Unlike ordinary circuit breakers and disconnectors, powerful ones have a faster response and can handle much higher current values, which prevents sparks and fires, which is quite risky in electrical systems operating with high voltages and currents. They also have the option of manual or automatic shutdown, which makes them convenient and suitable for use in fully mechanized and automated circuits and control processes, as well as in production and industry.
IMPORTANT! When building an electrical installation with high-power devices and appliances, contact a qualified specialist. Consult with such a specialist when choosing the appropriate load switch that meets the characteristics of the electrical circuit. Improper installation, capacity or maintenance can lead to permanent damage, failure or outage of the appliances or consumers involved in the electrical installation.