The relay is an electromechanical electronic component designed to control electric circuits, in particular switching on and off according to set conditions related to the change of the input current. Extremely suitable in automatic program processes for controlling automatic machines and devices in a production or support process in various industries. Electromagnetic relays are an electric wire wound on a coil as well as a metal plate - an armature. When an electric current flows to the relay, an electromagnetic field is created, which moves the armature and causes it to turn on, off, or switch the contacts.
Solid State Relay (SSR) or solid state relays are semiconductor electrical devices that are intended to control, switch on and off, electrical AC or DC loads. SSR relays use powerful transistors, which gives them the ability to work at a higher current and to withstand a large instantaneous load, they are also resistant to physical stress, pressure, vibrations, shocks. A big advantage over electromagnetic relays is that they have no moving components, which makes them solid, hence their name. Solid State Relays are an essential element in automation in the development of semiconductor systems, offering strength and reliability as well as a long service life.