"The winter is coming," as John Snow said. Or as soon as B.B. will say - winter again surprised us.
But we at Vikiwat are prudent and will not let winter surprise you and your favorite car. Few sounds are more unpleasant to the man than the sound of a slow-running starter that clearly shows that the car's engine will not start. If outside is -10 degrees and you are in a hurry to work, the feeling is a few times more unpleasant.
To prevent you from experiencing such experiences, you can easily and quickly put a voltmeter into your car to monitor the health of your generator and battery.
If you have any doubts that your old battery is at the end of it's life, you can preconditionally equip yourself with a brand new quality battery from Duracell or Ennexy and boldly meet the snow and low temperatures.
The power supply cables are an extreme option that we do not wish you to use, but it is not unnecessary to own it at all. Cables are from those items that you better own and never have to use, rather than not having and suddenly need it. And you can always help a colleague in need and get gratitude and satisfaction from the goodness you have done.
In the November brochure, we have a selection of electric and hand tools to equip your home, villa, garage or car.
You can see November brochure HERE
We have to prepare you psychologically for the shocking event on Vikiwat's calendar - Black Friday! Expect information soon.
Vikiwat's team wishes you a nice shopping.