Vikiwat Ltd starts a new game with awards for writing an autor's article on electronics topics with no less than 1000words. The article should be original one, not including any copy/maste materials( we will be checking!) Every genuine and meaningful article received before 10th of May on the address:, which is approved will receive a prize - a voucher of 10BGN and retaigning a copywrith. The approved articles will find a place in our blog : The most high quality and well structured ones will be arranged from first to third place and will receive prizes as follows:
Ist place-a voucher of 100BGN
IInd place - a voucher of 50BGN
IIIrd place - a voucher of 25BGN
Vouchers will be received at the store or sent by a courrier directly to the receipent's address and can be used both in Vkiwat store or in our online store with the same amount as the prize.Any product purchased with a voucher will be delivered for free to any place in the therritory of Bulgaria.
The Team of Vikiwat Ltd.