SN PROMET is a Polish company located in Sosnowiec (south of Poland), which has been operating on the market since 1958. The company is a manufacturer of low-voltage electrical switchgear including push buttons, control boxes, cam switches, miniature and limit switches etc. The company is one of the leading manufacturers of electrotechnics in Poland. PROMET extends its assortment offer systematically. Recently the company launched some new lines of products: newline of pushbuttons and signal lamps, radio-control systems, TFT indicators, USB and HDMI connections.
SN PROMET's products compete on European markets, mainly due to permanent development of the company and good equipment with modern machines and tools. Their signal and control elements have wide practical use in the industry. The company always tries to develop the latest technology and the high quality of its products.
One of the facts that has significantly contributed to the company's success is the company’s structure, which does not only includes manufacturing departments but also itsdesign and technology department, well-equipped tool shop and a maintenance team. In the interest of providing products of the highest quality, the company has established its own laboratory to test its products electrical and mechanical wise.