Track Your Order
When will my order arrive?
For better security and safety when shopping from VIKIWAT' online store - we offer you the opportinity to track your online orders and have information during three key stages named: Processing Order - Tracking Order - Check the package in front of a courier.
Order Status:
For registered customers it is necessary to sent us an email or call us to BG national line: 0700 45 445 and to quote their online order's number (sent by e-mail after a successfully check out). You can thus receive up-to-date information on the status of your order' processing including additional information about delivery, tracking number and other details.
Track Your Order by Tracking #:
Upon your request, by email or by a phone call, we can sent you a tracking number of your shipment and dates when the parcel will be delivered to your given location. Additionally you can track your pacerl online using this link: This way you can have up-to-date information about exact location of your shipment at any time.
Check your shipment in the presence of the courier:
If you would like to receive the option to open and check your parcel before payment, please tick this box: "Special instructions?" and write down your wish. We will do our best to cover your requirements.
It is important to know:
- If you have not requested in advance - "CHECK before payment" during your check-out process, you can check your parcel only after payment of the shipment (s). All customers have the right to open and check the contents of the package in the presence of a courrier for safety reasons. Please, after payment of your order and before you provide your name and signature as consignee of the shipment, make sure that the package of your shipment is complete and not damaged!
- In case of damage to your package, please be informred that you need to fill an official document, provided by shipping company and decribing the issue with your parcel in the presence of the courier. Then if you wish to submit a Return or a Complaints - please refer and read our "Return" section for more information.