The offer is valid from 25.03.2025 to 25.03.2025
The fans are designed to operate in normal climatic conditions, with ambient temperatures ranging from -5°C to +60°C and relative air humidity at 30°C from 40% to 85% above sea level 1000m. The degree of protection is IP 44, which does not allow the fan to operate at higher humidity and aggressive environments, both in enclosed and confined spaces, and in inappropriate atmospheric conditions.
The fan is not allowed to operate under vacuum conditions (for example, the blower can take air out of a room that can not get enough air otherwise). This will result in insufficient airflow to cool the motor and the fan will be damaged.
It is possible to adjust the fan speed by means of a frequency inverter or by phase adjustment with a reduction of the speed up to 75%. The fan can not be powered by a DC / AC inverter with a modified sinewave - this will cause it to malfunction.