A large variety of LEDs with different applications. LEDs are LEDs that emit light when an electric current flows through them. The rich range of colors of LEDs depends on the composition of the semiconductor material and the alloying impurities. LEDs have their own housing with a lens that forms and directs the light flow. LEDs have a long life, excellent color quality, instant start, are resistant to vibrations, do not contain harmful impurities (eg mercury), are resistant to extreme temperatures and are small in size. All this contributes to the widespread use of LEDs.
Thanks to the huge popularity of LED lighting, LEDs are the most common semiconductor diodes. They are made of a very thin layer of doped semiconductor alloys, and a very important feature of them is their low inertia, which allows them to operate in pulsed mode at 100MHz. Additional information about LEDs, as well as sample connection diagrams, can be found on the official Wikivat blog and read LED diode part 1 and read part 2.
In the Wikivat online store you will find LEDs in the following colors:
Depending on the housing, LEDs are divided into the following types:
Depending on the power, the LEDs are:
According to the type, the LEDs are:
In the Wikivat online store you will find one of the richest assortments of LEDs! Wikivat LEDs are created by world leading manufacturers from high quality materials and are offered at excellent prices. Our customers most often purchase the following types of LEDs:
You can get free detailed consultations from the Wikivat team on diode selection, connection method, power supply and everything related to LED - on site, by phone or by email.
LED modules are universal components that are widely used in the implementation of a wide range of projects. Depending on their construction or application, there is a wide variety of LED modules. In the Wikivat store you will find the following types of LED modules:
Vikivat customers most often purchase the following types of LED modules:
LED modules are widely used to create illuminated advertising structures, individual interior solutions or experimental facilities. The power supply for the LED modules is 12VDC or 24VDC and they connect directly to it.
In the Wikivat online store you will find a wide range of LED modules with different power and number of diodes at affordable prices. We are sure that you will find the best LED module for your project with us.
The Wikivat team wishes you a pleasant online shopping experience!