A diode is a semiconductor electronic element that conducts an electric current in a p-n transition in one direction from positive to negative charged particles. Unlike ordinary diodes, Schottky diodes use a metal-semiconductor junction, with another characteristic difference being that, in addition to silicon, it is also made of aluminum. In this method of operation, a so-called "Schottky barrier" is created, which results in a very short switching time, as well as a small voltage drop in the forward direction. For example, with ordinary diodes the voltage drop is 0.6~0.7V, while with Schottky it is up to 0.2~0.5V, which is only valid for Schottky diodes. The maximum reverse voltage is on the order of several tens of volts.
The Schottky barrier has a small junction capacitance, due to which the sensitivity increases at the operating frequency. This can be used in integrated circuits where Schottky diodes shunt the junctions of the transistors of the logic elements. The diode is unblocked before the base-collector junction of the transistor is unblocked, and its fast response is increased due to lack of junction depth modulation. This happens because there is no build-up of electrical charges, the switching of the diode occurs in less than 0.1 nanosecond.
Schott diodes, depending on the application and the need, are available in different shapes and accordingly mounted both by soldering and THT as well as surface SMD.
The exceptional speed of operation of Schottky diodes as well as the minimal voltage drop makes them suitable for use in power supply units, pulsed power supplies as well as discharge protection of various batteries, in particular in photovoltaic systems.
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