International Rectifier is a wolrd leader in the semiconductor components and devices manufacturing. The company is founded in 1947 when it began the production of selenium rectifiers. It began with the production of the first semiconductor in 1959, after that the first MOSFET transistor was introduced in the onnovation technology HEXFET in 1979 and at the end implements the most modern solutions like FlipFET™, iPOWIR™, DirectFET® или iMOTION™ in the XXI century. Today the International Rectifier product range includes:
- HEXFET® MOSFET power transistors, Dual HEXFET® и FETKY® modules
- transistors and modules IGBT
- Schottky diodes, ultra fast diodes, rectifier diodes
- integrated circuits: AC-DC and DC-DC, drivers, controlllers, regulators
- analog, digital and dual type integrated circuits
- semiconductor relays
- high safety and reliability products, used in the astronautics, aviation and defense.